Ad Hoc Named a WordPress VIP Silver Agency Partner

WordPress VIP is excited to announce our new Silver Agency partner, Ad Hoc LLC, as part of their mission to help organizations deliver people-centered digital services.
Using their expertise in applying human-centered, agile methods with the publishing ease and infrastructure scale of WordPress VIP, Ad Hoc supports their customers in creating effective, accessible, user-friendly websites that are designed based on the needs of the people who use them. In doing so, Ad Hoc will continue its work in transforming public digital services to meet people’s expectations for how they interact with services and technology.

Ad Hoc, born from the rescue of, is a digital services company that helps the federal government and other public organizations better serve people. Their cross-functional teams of experts collaborate closely with their partners to solve the right problems and deliver digital solutions that help agencies and the public who rely on them. In addition to their work on, they’ve also supported,, the Department of Veterans Affairs’ mobile app, and many other services critical to the public.
“We’re excited to become a WordPress VIP partner as part of our ongoing commitment to delivering exceptional digital experiences for government agencies.
Ben Kutil, Senior Director of Technical Solutions
We are now delivering those same exceptional experiences to staff responsible for the plain language content development and management that WordPress is known for.
WordPress VIP’s high-availability infrastructure is exactly the type of platform federal agencies need for building simple, high-performance, and secure experiences.”