WDG Named a WordPress VIP Gold Agency Partner

We are proud to announce WDG as a new Gold Agency Partner, joining a handful of Gold partners in this prestigious group! Since becoming a WordPress VIP Silver Partner, WDG has built a reputation for building beautiful and functional WordPress sites for enterprise clients.
Renowned for expanding digital strategies and capabilities for clients in both Washington, D.C., and internationally, WDG is a digital agency that builds solution-focused and user-centered websites. At its core, WDG is a multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural team unified in a collective vision to deliver digital experiences with a human touch.
WDG partners with major clients to help fulfill key strategic initiatives while serving as their key technical implementation partner.

As a Gold Agency Partner, WDG is a shining example of a responsive and quality team that strives for well-informed, practical, and bold delivery in all aspects of the digital experience. Guiding each client’s digital experience is a holistic, continuously refined strategy for WDG.
Says Ab Emam, WDG CEO: “With nearly a decade of collaboration with the team at WordPress VIP, we have realized the true power of the Henry Ford quote, ‘Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.’ This is exactly how we at WDG describe our partnership and relationship with WordPress VIP.”
“From strategy to migrations to best-in-class security, together we have delivered countless successful digital transformation projects for clients. We couldn’t think of doing it with a better partner.”
—Ab Emam, WDG CEO
Learn more about WDG’s partnership with WordPress VIP here.